;program that let the user input 10 numbers and find the lowest and highest of them Include Irvine32.inc .data numbers BYTE 10 DUP(?) ;defining an array of 10 values lowest BYTE 128 ;initializing the initial lowest grade highest BYTE 0 ;initializing the initial highest grade .code mov esi, 0 mov ecx, 10 L1: ;loop to input numbers from the screen mov eax, numbers[esi] inc esi call ReadDec loop L1 mov esi,0 mov ecx,10 L2: ;loop to get the lowest number mov eax, numbers[esi] cmp lowest,eax ja low loop L2 mov esi,0 mov ecx,10 L3: ;loop to get the highest number mov eax, numbers[esi] cmp eax,lowest ja high loop L3 mov eax, high ;output the highest number call WriteDec call Crlf mov eax, low ;output the lowest number call WriteDec call Crlf high: ;comparing numbers to set as highest number mov highest, eax dec ecx jmp L3 low: ;comparing numbers to set as lowest number mov lowest, eax dec ecx jmp L2